The Spirit of Hermetism

The Spirit breaths where he will; and you hear his voice, but you do not know from where He comes, and where he goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (Adapted from the Douay-Rheims edition)

On that glad night, in secret, for no one saw me, nor did I look at anything, with no other light or guide except the one that burned in my heart. (Dark Night of the Soul, tr Kavanaugh & Rodriguez).

Note that I shall usually be using the Douay Rheims translation of the Bible made directly from the Vulgate; I shall also update it to contemporary English for the benefit of subscribers for whom English is a second language.

The first Arcanum is called the “Bateleur”, which means juggler, not magician as the English edition has it. Since it is the key to all the following arcana, it is necessary to get a grasp on it before proceeding. And the key to this arcanum is the gospel verse John 3:8. Further, the verse from St John of the Cross awakens the deep strata of the soul. So here are our clues: to understand the juggler, we must first understand the activity of the Spirit. To do that, we must become conscious of the deep layers of the soul, where the light of the Spirit burns in the heart. That is a secret place, a solitary place, so there can be nothing there but the Spirit. That is how you will know you have reached it.

There is the distinction between allegory, secret, Arcanum, and mystery. An Arcanum reveals its meaning gradually depending on the depth of meditation. As such, it is not an end in itself, but rather it is more like a leavening or enzyme that allows another process to complete. The arcana are meant to stimulate man’s spiritual life. What can prevent it is the spiritual malady of “suffisance” which does not mean self-complacency, but more like self-importance or conceit.

The Great Initiation

A mystery is an event, analogous to birth or death; it is a change in one’s level of consciousness. Hence Initiation is a mystery and it is appropriate that the first Arcanum deals with initiation. The initiation that Jesus described to Nicodemus is called being “born again”. Of course, Nicodemus was a Pharisee who visited Jesus one night. There Jesus told him that to see the Kingdom of God, a man must be born again of the Spirit. This is then tied in with the Light coming into the world.

That is the literal meaning of the gospel passage and there is also an esoteric meaning. Jesus would then be the Master within, the night would be the dark night of the soul, and the light is the one that burns in the heart as John of the Cross describes it. Augustine called it the special incorporeal light and Saint-Martin the torrent that illuminates itself in your heart.

Do you see how beautifully all this is connected together? Ultimately it is the Master who initiates us, hence the Tarot card, as well as any discussion, can serve only as a catalyst for our own Initiation. This theme will be gradually developed.

Although that is a solitary event, there is also a communal dimension. Fellow students of Hermetism will recognize each other by their mutual love for each other. We shall see how that works itself out over the course of time. To illustrate this, Tomberg quotes a passage from the life of St Anthony, who learned something different from each of his fellow hermits.

It is important at this time to beware of “suffisance”, the attitude of self-importance that once in a while develops among Hermetists. There is the temptation to see in it the “true religion” or the “real knowledge” that makes him superior to others. Hermetism does not replace exoteric religion, science, politics, and so on, although it should act as the leavening agent. That is the spirit of Hermetism.

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The Imperishable Ocean of Light

The following passages are taken from L’homme de désir (The Man of Desire) by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin.

Happy is he who is filled with courage and confidence, and whose past sorrows and iniquities do not retard him in his work!

You ask how to pray. Does a sick man ask what how he must express his pains? Always command evil to go away, as if you were being regenerated in your powers.

Always call upon the good, as if the highest favors had not abandoned you. No longer consider if you are impure and if you are weak. No longer look backwards, and no longer prescribe for yourself any other plan but that of perseverance.

You can, by your obstinacy, recover what the divine goodness has granted you by your nature.

Say then without ceasing: I command iniquity to flea far from me; I command all natural and spiritual aids to gather around me.

I beg all the pure elect to lead and protect me. I bow down before the one who alone can reestablish all my relations.

Each one of his words give birth to a world: each one of his words can place the legions of living beings around me: because he does not speak without giving birth to life and to spread it in the souls who seek it.

Alas! We can anoint the Lord with our prayer, like that holy woman who anoints him with perfumes in front of his tomb! We can make it so that the stay in the tomb is less bitter to him.

Do you want to know your superiority over nature? See how much you extend or strengthen the faculties of the animals as you wish. You perfect, if you want, all substances; you are a king, you are an angel of light, or at least you should be.

Do you know why the more elevated are the objects of your studies, the easier it is for you to make discoveries in them? It is because, like your spirit, they are closest to the truth. Hesitate no more. The sciences of the spirit are much more certain than those of matter.

That is why all the sacred authors say the same thing; whereas the scientists of the lower order are all fighting amongst each other.

Look even around yourself and at the simplest laws of the physical world. The astronomers predict the eclipses and revolutions of the heavens several centuries in advance; and they could hardly predict whether the weather tomorrow will be clear or cloudy.

Man, be filled with trust in your nature and in the one who gave you thought. Let that faith not be a vague and sterile belief in vain doctrines. It is necessary for it to be active and swift like a torrent; but it is necessary that that torrent be inflamed, so that it can illuminate itself in your heart.

The reason man carries his head in the skies is because he does not find here anywhere to rest his head. And why would he look here to rest his head? Doesn’t he cling to unity? And can unity find its rest in the order of mixed things?

Soul of man, know the repose that is made for you. It is that which is characteristic of unity itself: it is to feel that you are separated from that which is disorder and corruption; it is to feel that you swim in freedom in the imperishable ocean of the light of order and life.

Welcome to Medtarot Discussion

This is the Welcome message that went out to the Medtarot discussion group. It explains the ground rules and the purpose of the group.

Welcome to this discussion list on Meditations on the Tarot. There are over 50 subscribers at this point. That should be sufficient to sustain a discussion considering the impact of attrition or lack of interest. You can post to the list by clicking the Reply button on your email reader or by sending an email to [address hidden]. Although we know that certain agencies may be collecting metadata, there should still be some expectation of privacy. In particular, discussions must not be made public; people may be in the process of development and should not be bound to their earlier opinions, or sometimes information of a personal nature may be posted.

I will keep enrollment open for a little while, until we reach the point where there is a danger of losing continuity. However, current subscribers can invite a friend at any point. Many of you know me in some sense, many may not. I accept that things do not happen by accident so that certain souls may gather together for a purpose, often from their depths, and which they seldom are able to remember. So remember we are together for a purpose, bonds will form, but do not be surprised that bonds may also break.

I have been involved in previous endeavors like this, so I can anticipate the dangers. Some people get angry about another’s opinions and skirmishes arise. Others may have an agenda apart from the group will. I intend to prevent such disruptions. Should anyone become displeased with this group, he is free to start his own; I will give him the opportunity to publicize it once on this list.

Paradoxically, a good discussion begins with silence rather than talk. One must clear the mind of stray opinions, random thoughts, fixed ideas, and so on; such a mind can then be receptive. Unsupported assertions benefit no one, particularly the asserter. What is more important are the reasons because they can be the aim of a discussion. It is important to meditate often. For example, the first letter deals with concentration, so we ought to make efforts in that direction. The task is not to force it, since we aspire to concentration without effort, and still less to berate ourselves when we find we have lost concentration, but simply to observe what was going on that led to the loss of concentration. Determine what event or, better, what thought broke concentration.

So in our discussions we will force ourselves to concentrate on one particular point and not wander into irrelevancies. Ponder that before you click send.

The Tarot is not a means to “improve your life”. Some may make promises to bring you understanding about different parts of your life. However, the goal is reintegration, i.e., making oneself whole again. So compartmentalizing your life into work, play, relationships, etc., is the very opposite of what we want to achieve. Still less is it about fortune telling and I hope no one is here for that. This is not solely for our benefit; by participating, we will keep the Hermetic tradition alive in one way or another. English only speakers have a disadvantage, since so much material is available only in French. I will offer translations of certain texts as my contribution. I will also be using the French text of the Letters and will make corrections to the authorized translation as necessary. You will make contributions in your own areas of interest; I’m hoping that from among all the writers that Tomberg discusses, some among you may have some degree of expertise in their ideas.

Although this list is not primarily about me, as the host, it will be unavoidable that my own personal equation will often intrude. I hope that is not too annoying. Consider this as akin to an invitation to a banquet. You go to enjoy what is proffered; you participate in the festivities; you engage in the conversation. In that way, there is a benefit to the host and the guests. However, if you insist on bringing your own bucket of fried chicken, you would be considered rude and a boor; I will deal with you appropriately.

Ultimately, spiritual friends will come to a common mind. Ekartshausen wrote: “Men do not agree on their conceptions; the scholars dispute among themselves; and, where there is dispute, there is not yet truth.” Our aim is truth and that is how we know we have reached it.

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